A R E   W E    T H E R E   Y E T ?

So this is all going down on the 26th of April 2015, at 9:00am, at Freedom Cafe, 37-43 St.Mary’s Avenue, Greyville, Durban.

Try this link to Google Maps : Freedom Cafe Pin or see Freedom Cafe Contact Us

Parking will be available at the venue and on a plot off Campbell Avenue, unfortunately space is limited, so please carpool where possible. Safest alternate parking would be on Florida or Windermere Road.

The ceremony will held in the park adjoining the restaurant before we move across for the brunch style reception.

There is an easy cheat for any guests traveling from far, The Concierge Boutique Bungalows (see http://www.the-concierge.co.za) are on the same property, yes you would just need to roll out of bed to be at the wedding.

*** Please note that the Tour Durban cycle race, just so happens to be going on at the exact same time as the wedding, so there will be road closures, in particular sections of the M19, M7 and M4 will be affected, when planning travel times please bear this in mind ***

See here :



And here :

The Tour Durban Route, Freedom Café is just to the ‘right’ of Greyville Racecourse.